Therapist Atlanta, GA - DBT & Eating Disorder Therapy - Tara Arnold

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23 Lenox Pointe Northeast
Atlanta, GA, 30324
United States



Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, she became a butterfly.
— Barbara Hanes Howett

Sessions at a Glance with Tara Arnold

Individual Therapy

Group Therapy

RO DBT Therapy

FBT Therapy

Dialectical Behavior (DBT) Therapy

Trauma-Informed Therapy

Disordered Eating Therapy

Clinical Supervision


Educational Seminars


Be it through a referral or simply by luck, I am glad that you are here.  I hope this is a positive step for you in seeking out a safe environment to discuss your feelings, concerns, hopes and dreams.  My intentions for this site are to give you an opportunity to know my primary areas of focus, my experiences and background, and my holistic healing approach to treatment.

Through my experiences working with, treating and listening to women, I have organized several sessions (both individual and group) that I passionately believe reach women in all stages of healing and recovery.  I am a PhD therapist in Atlanta and with a license in clinical social work, and I believe in creating a non-judgmental open environment where we can all be honest and respectful.

It’s important to me that anyone seeking help and counseling, no matter at what level, feels comfortable and safe working with me.  I specialize in work related to anxiety, depression, addiction, eating and mood disorders, and dual diagnosis.  I understand the confusion and concerns these feelings can bring and promise each person I meet with that I will do my best to help.

I believe each individual person has the ability to change habits – and the first step in doing so is awareness.  I help people identify their strengths and then focus those strengths on solutions for life and relationship challenges.

My group and individual offerings stem from a holistic treatment philosophy based in cognitive behavioral and dialectical behavior therapy.  Our sessions are based on understanding your emotions in connection with your thoughts, body sensations, and behavior.
Women can enroll in one or more groups to create an individualized treatment path or we can work one-on-one in individual sessions.  These courses address all aspects of women’s healing: communication skills, mindfulness, emotional regulation, coping skills, body image, creative expression, self-esteem, and more. To learn more about our therapy sessions in Atlanta and via telehealth for clients living in Florida, contact us.