Eating Disorder Therapy Atlanta, GA - Family Based Treatment - Tara Arnold

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23 Lenox Pointe Northeast
Atlanta, GA, 30324
United States

Eating Disorder Therapy

Eating Disorder Therapy

eating disorder therapy
A healthy outside starts from the inside.
— Robert Urich

Heal Your Relationship with Food and Body: A Sacred Journey to Wellness

Your relationship with food is a vital and life-giving connection—one that nurtures both your body and your soul. From childhood to adulthood, we learn about food and self-care through our families, cultures, and personal experiences. Yet, at any moment in our lives, this relationship can shift. Stress, major life changes, or challenging experiences—like puberty, marriage, childbirth, divorce, trauma, or loss—can disrupt how we view and relate to food and our bodies.

Exploring and healing your relationship with food is a deeply personal journey. We are here to guide you through it. Our approach begins with a comprehensive assessment of your beliefs, feelings, and behaviors toward food and your body. Together, we’ll create a unique treatment plan that empowers you to change your behaviors while simultaneously addressing your emotional needs.

What to Expect: Personalized, Compassionate Care

Eating disorder treatment is not one-size-fits-all. We tailor our approach to meet your specific needs through an initial assessment and a customized treatment plan. Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, forms the foundation of our approach. Additionally, we offer nutritional counseling, connect with psychiatric care, family and couples therapy, and group therapy—depending on the severity and nature of your eating disorder.

Our team of professionals in Atlanta, GA will support you in addressing the underlying emotional factors while helping you navigate the complex behaviors surrounding food. The length of treatment will vary, but the goal is always to empower you with lasting tools for change, helping you rebuild a healthy, loving relationship with food and your body.

Begin Your Journey Today

The path to healing is possible. We’re here to walk alongside you as you reconnect with your inner strength and rediscover the joy of nourishment—physically and emotionally. Your relationship to food is sacred, and it’s time to treat it as such. Reach out to our eating disorder therapists today to start your journey toward healing and recovery.

Alternative Option to Treatment Facility - Family Based Therapy

Do you suspect your child has an eating disorder (ED)? Has your child received a recent ED diagnosis and you’re feeling overwhelmed or scared about which treatment modality is most effective? Family Based Treatment (FBT) is an evidence based treatment model that is highly effective. This treatment model may be an alternative option to your child receiving care at a treatment facility, and allows for parents to carry out interventions within the home, with the support of the FBT specialist.