Our Therapist Providers - Tara Arnold PhD, LCSW, CEDS-C INC

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23 Lenox Pointe Northeast
Atlanta, GA, 30324
United States


Tara Arnold, PhD, LCSW, CEDS-C, RYT-200

Specializing in eating disorders, DBT, RO DBT for perfectionism and overcontrol, mindfulness therapy and clinical supervision.

Kari Burden, MS, LPC, CEDS

Specializing in eating disorders, low self-esteem, body image issues, complex trauma, DBT, and working with LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent individuals.

Jane Levings, MS, LAPC

Specializing in life transitions, personal development, addiction recovery, and parent/child relationships for adolescents and adults.

Emily Haber, LMSW

Specializing in anxiety, trauma, family dynamics, emotion regulation, and communication concerns through individual and family therapy with children, adolescents, and adults.

Talia Gutierrez, M.A., APC

Specializing in body image/ acceptance, perfectionism and people pleasing, and disordered eating for teens and adult women. LGBTQIA+ and Neurodivergent affirming.

Specializing in eating disorders, anxiety, and depression, DBT, RO DBT, and CBT for adolescents and young adults.

Helania Hunt

Helania Hunt, MA, NCC

Specializing in body image/acceptance, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, identity exploration, and trauma.

Allison Sykora, BS, RD, LD

Specializing in nutrition therapy for adolescents and adults.

Melanie McDonald, Intern

Specializing in communication for individuals, couples, and relationships, as well as sex therapy. Affirming of LGBTQIA+, non-monogamy, and kink.

Cassandra Barro Amodio, MSW, LCSW

Specializing in eating disorders, anxiety, depression, family based treatment, DBT, and women’s health.

Andrea Schklar, AM, LCSW

Specializing in DBT, substance abuse, mental health, and trauma for individuals and groups.

Jordan Gross, MSW

Specializing in grief, loss, and trauma counseling for adolescents and adults. Additional focus on spirituality, body image, and DBT therapy.

Ariana Reisch, LMSW

Specializing in eating disorders, depression, anxiety, trauma, Family Based Treatment (FBT), ARFID, and OCD.

Jolia Alexander, LPC, CCATP, C-DBT, CSTIP

Specializing in anxiety, depression, stress, developing healthier relationships, healing trauma, and career readiness.

Kelly Brown, MSW

Specializing in DBT and RO DBT for adolescents and young adults.