Kari Burden MS LPC CEDS

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23 Lenox Pointe Northeast
Atlanta, GA, 30324
United States

Kari Burden MS LPC CEDS


Kari burden, ms lpc ceds

Kari is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist. She obtained her M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Georgia State University in 2019. She brings experience providing individual, group, and family therapy to individuals with eating disorders and co-occurring disorders within hospital, residential, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient settings.

Kari specializes in working with teens and adults who are navigating eating disorders, complex trauma, relationship challenges, low self-esteem, perfectionism, body image issues, chronic illness, and life transitions. Kari is passionate about working with humans from diverse backgrounds, including LGBTQIA+ clients, neurodivergent individuals, and those whose lives or relationships involve kink, polyamory, or consensual nonmonogamy.

Kari brings an empathetic, curious, and nonjudgmental presence to the therapeutic space. Her approach is culturally responsive, strengths-based, and rooted in social justice. She utilizes CBT, DBT, psychodynamic therapy, narrative therapy, and Internal Family Systems (IFS) to guide clients toward personal growth and healing. Kari considers it a deep honor and privilege to walk beside each of her clients on their respective journeys.